DR. Jeannine Megia, PRINCIPAL
DR. Jeannine Megia, PRINCIPAL
DR. Jeannine Megia, PRINCIPAL
Welcome back and welcome to Stoneman!
My name is Jeannine Megia and I have the pleasure of being the Principal of Stoneman. I believe it is a great school, thanks to our incredible teachers, staff, scholars, and families. I love our Stoneman community, I am so happy to be here, and I know we are going to have a great year together!
As we began our year together, I shared one of my favorite books with every classroom, Be You! by Peter H. Reynolds. The book is filled with many positive affirmations that I want our scholars to know and believe. In addition, it celebrates the beautiful uniqueness of each and every one of us. I encourage you to ask your child about this book! I shared it with each class because I believe the themes are the perfect way to begin our year-affirming each scholar, celebrating their uniqueness, and recognizing their great potential! I invite you to watch the video of this read aloud too:
I am so glad YOU are part of our Stoneman community this year! I am grateful for the opportunity to partner with you as we educate every scholar at Stoneman and I look forward to getting to know you throughout our year together. It is going to be a great year!
Vontre Mason, Vice Principal
Vontre Mason, Vice Principal
Vontre Mason, Vice Principal
Mr. Mason comes to us from Antioch Unified School District where he is the Activities Director & African American Males Achievement Instructor. Mr. Mason has taught Social Studies, Digital Media, and Intro to Computer Technology. Mr. Mason received his Bachelor of Science in Sports Administration and his Master’s in Art of Teaching Social Science from The University of Southern Mississippi. His Preliminary Administrative Service Credential in Educational Administration is from California State University, East Bay. Welcome to Pittsburg Unified School District, Mr. Mason!