Parent Involvement Policy
Stoneman Elementary School views involvement of parents and guardians in the education of their children as essential to the academic success of all students. Any parent/guardian interested in volunteering or has questions concerning the “Parent Involvement Policy” can contact Jennifer Clark, Principal, directly. The staff will actively involve parents and guardians in their children’s education and assist them in helping their children through the following practices:
- Parenting: Assist families with parenting skills and setting home conditions to support children as students, and assist schools to understand families. Stoneman provides various opportunities throughout the year for parents and families to come together with staff and develop skills to support the students.
- BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT – Parents are invited to meet with teacher the second week of school to hear an overview of the year and gain a clear understanding of the expectations and learning goals for the year.
- PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE – The parents of each student meet individually with the teacher in November/December to discuss grades, concerns, and plans for student achievement.
- FAMILY LITERACY NIGHTS – Families have the opportunity to attend an evening designed to provide instruction in how to read with children at home.
- FAMILY MATH NIGHTS – Families are invited to participate in playing math learning games with their children. Games are standards based and help teacher parents how to do the math the students are doing in class.
- ELAC – The English Learner Advisory Committee assists parents with information and techniques to help their children at home as well as advise the school how Stoneman can better meet the needs of the English Learners.
- STAFF DEVELOPMENT – Consultants working with the community provide information to the staff to provide better understanding of the diverse ethnic populations.
- STUDENT STUDY TEAMS – This team consists of the classroom teacher, an administrator, resource specialist, school psychologist, and the parents. Academic and behavioral concerns are discussed and a plan is developed to provide the best learning environment possible for the student.
- OPEN HOUSE – This well-attended annual event provides students a chance to show what they have produced and achieved. It is held in late May and students display work. Parents are invited to take advantage of this opportunity to preview the learning expectations for the next grade level.
- Communicating: Conduct effective communications from school to home and from home to school about school programs and children’s progress. At Stoneman communication is two-way and ongoing throughout the year.
- PARENT/STUDENT/SCHOOL COMPACT HANDBOOK- Each parent and student are required to read, understand, and sign a parent/student/school compact each year. This compact outlines the roles and responsibilities of each entity in order to achieve student success.
- MONTHLY NEWSLETTER AND PUBLICATIONS – The Stoneman Newsletter goes home with each student on the first Wednesday of the month. This newsletter and other publications give helpful techniques to work with students as well as necessary dates and information for the coming month.
- CLASS NEWSLETTERS – Many teachers provide a monthly or weekly newsletter to parents informing them of upcoming events and learning experiences.
- PROGRESS REPORTS – Student progress reports are given out, as needed, mid-trimester to allow adequate time to make necessary adjustments and keep parents informed of student’s academic struggles.
- REPORT CARDS – Report Cards are given at the end of each quarter and include both grades in academics and citizenship as well as anecdotal comments. Teachers always complete the portion that includes what parents could do at home to assist in learning.
- PHONE CALLS – Teachers and administration are available to parents by phone. Calls are returned quickly and concerns are dealt with as effectively as possible. Teachers and administration call parents to keep them informed of students strengths and weaknesses.
- ELD NOTIFICATION – EL students are assessed on an annual basis and these results are mailed to parents with an explanation of the available programs and waiver option. Informational meetings are conducted in English and Spanish to answer questions and provide any necessary information.
- ELD/EO PLACEMENT – EL students are placed with properly credentialed teachers and in groups consisting of not more than two ELD levels for English Language Development. Parents are notified of the ELD or EO placement and progress.
- CST/CAT6 RESULTS – The results of the CST/CAT6 are mailed to each home during the summer. These results are reviewed by the teacher during parent/teacher conferences as needed.
- Volunteering: Organize volunteers and audiences to support the school and students. There are ample opportunities for volunteers to participate in a meaningful way at Stoneman.
- CLASSROOMS – Many parents and community members volunteer on a regular basis in specific classrooms assisting teachers with paperwork and individual tutoring.
- PICTURE DAYS – Parent volunteers coordinate the programs and assist with moving students to and from the photographers.
- VISION AND HEARING SCREENINGS – Parent volunteers are responsible for coordinating the events and moving students through the process in a timely manner.
- BOOK FAIRS – Twice each year, a book fair is held to give families a chance to purchase reading material at a convenient location.
- FIELD DAY – This annual event is a highlight of the year. Parents, community members, and teachers participate in physical activities and games. Students move through areas manned by volunteers, playing all day.
- Learning at Home: Stoneman involves families with their children on homework and other curriculum related activities and decisions. Each month the Stoneman Newsletter provides parents with ideas to support their children’s social and academic growth. Teachers assign homework to reinforce skills taught during the day. At upper grades, teachers assign projects that must be worked on with parent support.
- Decision Making: Stoneman includes families as participants in school decisions, and develop parent leaders and representatives. Stoneman has an active School Site Council and English Learner Advisory Committee. These groups are made up of parents, administrators, teachers, and classified staff members who meet on a monthly basis to build the school level plan, determine budget, examine assessment results, and monitor progress. Stoneman also has a very active Parent Faculty Club (PFC)
- Collaboration with Community: Coordinate resources and services from the community for families, students, and the school, and provides services to the community. Stoneman has several programs that involve the community.
- Training Teachers and Administrators: Stoneman provides opportunities for teachers and administrators to communicate effectively with parents. Many opportunities are available for teachers and administrators to communicate with parents.
- Teachers and administrators meet informally with parents on a daily basis before and after school.
- Formal parent/teacher conferences are held in November to discuss student progress.
- Student Study Teams are held several times a year to address academic concerns of both parents and teachers.
- IEP meetings are held at least annually for all students receiving special services.
- Evaluating Parent Involvement: Stoneman conducts an annual evaluation of the content of the Parent Involvement Policy and its effectiveness in increasing the participation of parents. Stoneman will conduct an annual evaluation of parent satisfaction. This evaluation will be completed by parents at Open House and given to the administration. The evaluation includes parent involvement policy. The results provide a framework for change and growth.